
A community with a vision and a view

Shim’a is Home.


In primordial landscape

between mountain and desert

lays a small, warm

familial community.

A young and vibrant

community settlement

whose residents all

live together in vicinity

and friendship.

Come join us and make your dream come true.


We’re on the map:

7 minutes from Meitar, 20 minutes from Be’er Sheba.


Establishment and timeline:

Shim’a is situated south of Mount Hebron, north to Be’er Sheba. It was established with the help of Amana organization in 1985 as Neta Nahal settlement and achieved citizenship in 1988.

Shim’a is named after King David’s brother, Shimeah.


Character and religious streams:



The community in numbers:

The community consists of 93 families and growing.


Facilities and institutions:

Infant and toddler daycare, Gymboree, members social club, library, synagogue (active on Holidays) and Mikveh.


Local businesses:

Magen-Esh, Schwartz Cosmetics, catering Vanil VeKinamon, Eucalyptus tree trimming and crane rentals, and more.



Most residents work within the council, the adjacent communities and in Be’er Sheba, the capital of the Negev.


Interesting to Know:

  • The Student Village in Shim’a was established two years ago with the aid of Kedma organization. The local students attend the universities of Be’er Sheba and Jerusalem.

          The students are an integral part of the Shim’a family and take part in its           enrichment, mentoring and tutoring, ceremonies and cultural events together        with the residents.

  • Pablo – our pub, functions as a cultural backyard, hosting local artists and theme parties as well as lectures. The pub is open every Thursday, drawing to it and bonding locals from Shim’a, the mountain and the region in general.


Community absorption:

Shim’a is experiencing a surge in absorption and is currently populating the new Nofei Shim’a neighborhood.

Homes for sale: 16 homes in Nofei Shim’a neighborhood

Planned housing: 14 additional homes


 Contact person: Cynthia Costica: 054-254-5446

[email protected]

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פורים בשמעה

השכונה החדשה בשמעה