Asahel is situated in a meeting point between east and west Mount Hebron, near the council and the road to Be’er Sheba and highway 6.
Establishment and timeline:
Asahel was first established as a core settlement around 16 years ago and has known ups and downs since.
Since the first arrival to the settlement many dreams have come and gone here. Six years ago, a core settlement was formed, which chose to dream big and set an aim to themselves to mightily populate the area and make it their permanent home.
Supported and encouraged by the council and Amana, two families have set foot on the exposed hill with nothing but a generator and an old water tower. Not a lot of living conditions but a lot of faith and steadfast spirit.
Since then, B”H our dream is realizing on a daily basis. We were fortunate to grow and absorb additional families to our community.
Character and religious streams:
Torahni Religious
The community in numbers:
The community consists of 60 families and more than 200 children of ages 0-20.
Facilities and institutions:
Daycare and preschools, synagogues, Mikveh, play space and a club. School children attend the regional school in Otniel.
Culture and leisure:
Talmud Torah for boys, after school activities.
A Torahni-religious community is forming, spearheaded by the settlement’s Rabbi Meir Bareli Shlita, and is actively involved in all social aspects of the residents as a whole.
The community coordinator and the various committees which deal with all aspects of life here, bring everyone together through communal action and through consolidating our settlement’s visionary plan for our community with continuous activities and community-wide discussions.
Residents are busy in numerous fields – education, management, medicine, hi-tech, and students – in the various communities of the region and in Be’er Sheba and central Israel.
Community absorption:
Asahel is experiencing a welcomed upsurge in absorption of families seeking Torah and community life, building Eretz Yisrael and rejoicing in it.
Contact person:
Hodaya Hiller: 052-312-1419
Click here to visit Asahel’s Facebook page
“I was in Asahel and I told them – whoever has some illusion that they have any chance against Am Yisrael should simply stand here tonight so as to open their own eyes. Young families, good families… ‘For Your servants desired its stones and favoured its dust.’”
(The Honorable Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi David Lau Shlita, at the inauguration ceremony for the community’s Rabbi.)