
The mountain summit


We’re on the map:

18 minutes from Arad, 50 minutes from Be’er Sheba, 22 minutes from Kiryat Arba, 55 minutes from Jerusalem.


Establishment and timeline:

1980 – core settlement formed in Kiryat Arba

1982 – moving to Nahal settlement of Maon and naturalization

1983 – the core Nahal settlers move from its temporary home at Maon to its                      permanent home in Susya

1985 – construction of the Susya Learning and Excursion Center and start of the                ancient Susya enhancement project

1989 – populating the first permanent housing neighborhood in the community

1992 – inauguration of the first regional school

1997 – establishing the high school Yeshiva for environmental education

 2001 - Inauguration of the permanent home of the synagogue


Character and religious streams:



The community in numbers:

The community consists of 170 families and growing.


Facilities and institutions:

Daycare facilities, preschools, regional grade school, middle school for boys and girls, high school Yeshiva, afternoon Talmud Torah for boys and girls, Bnei Akiva branch, regional afterschool classes and activity center, regional library, minimarket, sports gymnasium and a swimming pool.


Local businesses:

Vacation guest houses, Khan (hosting accommodation facility), Judaica store, alternative healing.



Teaching, agriculture, industry, liberal professions, tour guides and more. There are employment opportunities in the education system, at Omer Industrial Park, at the Shima industrial center and more. Many residents work in Be’er Sheba, Jerusalem and in the larger plants in the Negev.


Interesting to Know:

In its early years, a field school and youth hostel wasbuilt in Susya – Susya Learning and Excursion Center. The ancient Hebrew city of Susya was excavated and adapted for visitors.


Community absorption:

Homes for sale: 14 homes are in construction

Homes for rent: various houses and caravans


Contact person:

Shlomit Shamir: 052-431-7240


Community secretary:

Chava Kind: 052-720-3302

[email protected]

Susya main: 02-996-1834 | 052-423-9793

[email protected]


click here to visit Susya’s Facebook page


סוסיא נוף

בריכת סוסיא